
Children’s Ministry
Our Kids’ Quest program features two 1-hour sessions on Sunday morning – Sunday School at 9:30 and Children’s Church at 10:30. Using colorful curriculum, hands-on activities, engaging videos, and teaching games, our volunteer staff teach the great stories of the Bible on a level that children understand. Our goal is to see each child come to personal faith in Jesus and to grow in their knowledge and relationship with Him.

Youth Ministry
The goal of our BT Youth Ministry is to inspire our students to actively know and follow Christ as genuine disciples. Our middle school, high school, and young graduates meet together for Bible study on Sunday mornings and for some recreation and devotional encouragement on Wednesday nights. They also enjoy group activities on occasional Sunday afternoons. The highlight of the year is always our Summer Youth Camp – a week of big fun and dynamic spiritual growth.

Women’s Ministry
It’s emotionally and spiritually healthy for women to fellowship with other women. And our ladies love to fellowship with each other. To encourage that, we schedule things like seasonal fellowship events, Branson shopping trips, flea market adventures, an occasional women’s Bible study series, and attend the annual Fresh Grounded Faith women’s conference. These events help our ladies get to know each other and draw closer to each other.

In fulfillment of Jesus’ command to “preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15), our church supports over 30 BBFI (Baptist Bible Fellowship International) missionary families in 27 different countries of the world, a local food bank, an international orphanage, Baptist Bible College, and 7 church-planting and mission organizations. In order to stay focused and engaged in mission work, we frequently schedule our missionaries to report to us when they are home on furlough. Our missionaries are some of our greatest heroes.

Christian Schools of Springfield
CSOS started back in 1963 for the purpose of providing a quality and affordable academic education with a Christian worldview. That mission still stands today. Our school is strongly academic in its emphasis, orthodox in its doctrine, and conservative in its approach. Our school exists to partner with Christian parents as they seek to raise their children to be good citizens and God-honoring men and women. You can learn more by visiting their website at

Special Events & Family Fellowships
Baptist Temple is not just an organization; we’re a family. And our family enjoys getting together. Sometimes we get together for special video Bible studies featuring nationally-known speakers like Louie Giglio, Max Lucado, Dave Ramsey, Lee Strobel, and others. At other times we gather to enjoy some food and fellowship at our annual events like our Fried Chicken Picnic, our Burger & Brats Cookout, our Thanksgiving Pie & Praise event, and an All-Church Family Christmas Party. We also enjoy some Church-on-the-Lawn services every May and September as well as occasional concerts and Christian movie events.