
Rev. Mark Rounsaville, Pastor
Pastor Mark has a deep passion for teaching/preaching God’s Word, has been our pastor since 2003, and is a bona fide Kansas City Chiefs fan. He graduated from Baptist Bible College (BS in Theology) and Christian Bible College & Seminary (ThM & ThD). Through the years, he has served as a children’s ministry director and evangelist, a youth pastor, an associate pastor, and as a lead pastor in 3 different churches in both Texas and Missouri. He and his wife Nadine have 2 married children and 4 awesome grandkids. His life motto is “Love God, Love People.”

Rev. Greg Arnold, Administrator,
Christian Schools of Springfield
Greg has been our School Administrator since 2014, is a graduate of both Baptist Bible College (BS in Theology) and Luther Rice Seminary (Masters in Religious Education), and teaches our New Horizons Adult Sunday School class. He and his wife LaVonne have 3 children and are blessed with 3 incredible grandchildren. Greg is also an avid reader, and being from New England he is Red Sox and Patriot fan. His life Bible verse is Romans 12:1-2.

Shelly Conn, Office Manager/Finance Secretary
Shelly is very much a people-person, is a Green Bay Packers fan (It’s a family thing!), and has been working in our church office since 2005. She earned an Associate’s Degree in Office Administration from the Huntington Junior College (WV) and currently serves as our Office Manager and Finance Secretary. In addition to her office duties, she volunteers to play the piano/keyboard on our worship team, leads our Hand Chime Choir, and helps coordinate many of our church events. She has 2 sons, a wonderful daughter-in-law, and a precious granddaughter. Her life motto is “Choose Joy.”

Nadine Rounsaville, Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Nadine is a Christian Education Graduate of Baptist Bible College, has been teaching and coordinating various children’s ministries for several years, and is Pastor Mark’s wife. She works as the Office Manager for a local medical business and serves as our Children’s Ministry Coordinator bi-vocationally. With the help of our wonderful volunteers, she manages the curriculum and teaching schedule for our children’s Sunday School and Kids’ Quest Church programs. She enjoys spending her time with her husband, children, and grandchildren and her favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13.